Latest Result: 1-20-25-58-61+22
Next Jackpot: $ 165,000,000 Draw date: 02/21/2025 Buy a Lottery ticket now |
Latest Result: 6-21-28-49-60+20
Next Jackpot: $ 215,000,000 Draw date: 02/22/2025 Buy a Lottery ticket now |
Lottery Calculators
Want to know how much a winning lottery ticket is actually worth?
Well, these lotto calculators should give you a decent idea of what to expect:
Powerball Taxes
Mega Millions Taxes
How to Win the Lottery
If you want to seriously increase your odds of becoming a Mega Millions or Powerball winner, then take a look at the world’s best lottery pools to see how you can cheaply and easily play at least 30 tickets each drawing.
Or if you don’t want to share your fortune, these statistically-proven lottery strategies are mathematically guaranteed to win you more money in the fewest number of tickets possible.
* Non-Arizona residents typically pay 6% state tax.
** Non-Maryland residents typically pay 8% state tax.
*** Winners living in New York City (3.876% extra) and Yonkers (1.477% extra) may be subject to additional taxes.
* Non-Arizona residents typically pay 6% state tax.
** Non-Maryland residents typically pay 8% state tax.
*** Winners living in New York City (3.876% extra) and Yonkers (1.477% extra) may be subject to additional taxes.
Legal Stuff:
All calculated figures are based on a sole prize winner and factor in an initial 24% federal tax withholding. A portion of this information has been provided by, and all figures are subject to fluctuation resulting from (but not limited to) changes in tax requirements, lottery rules, payout structures, personal expenditures, etc. The numbers on this page are only intended to provide approximate values and should not be viewed as legal or financial advice.
All calculated figures are based on a sole prize winner and factor in an initial 24% federal tax withholding. A portion of this information has been provided by, and all figures are subject to fluctuation resulting from (but not limited to) changes in tax requirements, lottery rules, payout structures, personal expenditures, etc. The numbers on this page are only intended to provide approximate values and should not be viewed as legal or financial advice.